A Few Committed a Crime, But Many Conspired To Keep the Crime Concealed from You.

His Justice is Coming
His Justice is Coming
A Few Committed a Crime, But Many Conspired To Keep the Crime Concealed from You.
Signed in as:
His Justice is Coming
His Justice is Coming
A facade for not only Raley's, but for every person who has become involved in their crime(s). Monies that were illegally attained through the crime, influenced many people in their role in assisting Raley's and the Teel family from public exposure and possible criminal charges.
These same people who assisted Raley's and the Teel's, could possibly be charged with concealing a crime, obstruction of justice and perverting the justice that Charles Nordby was seeking in the crimes against him.
Anytime you drive by a Raley's store, or hear the name Raley's
We want you to remember Sacramento's Biggest Crime.
If you are a part of this crime, then you are not Above the Law either.
The Family of Charles Nordby will be pursuing you as well.
As you watch the video segments of this crime, you will have to agree that this crime is Sacramento's biggest crime. Not so much for the initial crime of fraud against Charles Nordby, but for its well-orchestrated cover up using the most powerful people in politics, the most recognized news stations and personalities, the religious leaders of the largest churches, law enforcement and even the largest law firm in Northern California.
Then on top of all that, from what the criminals gained and achieved from their crime, they had more money, influence and power than
P. Diddy, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein combined.
The Perfect Storm for The Perfect Crime.
So, they thought, until they were caught.
Now His Justice will be served on the Raley and Teel family,
to those who were complicit in the cover up of their crimes,
to those who were complicit in perverting and corrupting justice,
to those who were "aiding and abetting" the criminals
and to those who just closed their eyes.
Now all of their eyes will be opened to the fact
that all those things are "criminal in nature" as well.
To be in collusion of a crime is a crime itself.
If this was not a true crime story, this website would not be up here,
nor would the 20+ other websites that lead to this crime.
If you know of this crime or other crimes that the Raley/Teel family have committed, please send your news tips to:
Now, get comfortable, scroll down and enjoy the first 7 short videos of Raley's success and Raley's massive crime,
that are all in order.
Please share this story with your family and friends,
and if you shop at Raley's, why would you shop there again?
To know who each of these players are, go to the "Smiling Faces" page.
As this documentary is being created with information of the many players in this crime, keep checking back to this website as we add more to the story of Sacramento's Biggest Crime.
Our ultimate goal is to see "His Justice" for Charles Nordby.
When you think about Raley's success for the last 50 years and all the people, businesses, towns, communities and organizations that have prospered from Charles Nordby's success, it will boggle your mind.
His adventurous life is what movies are made of.
The Raley/Teel family has hushed their crime long enough.
Jim Teel died on October 11, 2024, and he was the only surviving criminal of the fraud against Charles Nordby, but he should have spent the last 30 years of his life doing time in prison or jail for his role in these crimes, but now His Justice is playing in his mind wherever he is.
He was warned for 33 years. He had no excuse.
Now the Teel family has some big decisions to make.
They can either do the right thing and honor Charles Nordby
or they can watch "His Justice" expose everybody involved
in Raley's, Jim Teel's and Chuck Colling's crimes.
To Raley's and the Teel family, you just need to do the right thing.
And everybody will be forgiven.
The Nordby Family quest for "His Justice" will be over.
Please help us in our quest to share this news story that none of the news would tell you.
Send this link
to others who love to see justice, or even shop at Raley's.
The Raley's company nor the
Jim and Joyce Raley Teel family no longer have control over their crimes against Charles Nordby.
In this story, Charles Nordby
exposes the corruption of the news media, attorneys, judges politicians, church leaders, ,......
in Sacramento California,
The Capital of Corruption.
Then you will grasp why it is Sacramento's Biggest Crime.
Not one news source in Sacramento or Northern California was willing or able to report on Raley's massive crime of fraud.
But then again, "Money Talks" and "Money Hushes".
So instead of reporting this crime story, they all willingly
became complicit in the concealing of the crimes.
All the local news media are now part of the crimes they covered up, that is why they can't report it even today.
Generally with a big story, all the news is clamoring to do it.
Not this story, in the '90's they were all "encouraged" to hush it.
30 years later they are forced to hush it for their own sake. Otherwise they admit their guilt in covering it up.
Every single person involved in the concealing of the crimes against Charles Nordby, will remain in this crime until he sees, "HIS JUSTICE"
Joseph Farah-The Union
Katie Grimes-The Union
Jon Kelly-KCRA3
Stan Atkinson-KCRA3
Mike Boyd- KCRA3
Eddie Lambert- KCRA3
Walt Gray- KCRA3
Jack Sirard- Sacramento Bee
Dan Walters-Sacramento Bee
Cheryl Dell-Sacramento Bee
Mike Castro-Sacramento Bee
Melanie Sill-Sacramento Bee
Diana Erwin-Sacramento Bee
Greg Favre-Sacramento Bee
Tom Brokaw-Dateline
Neal Shapiro-Dateline
Robert Wright-Dateline
Gary Pruit-McClatchy
Craig Forman-McClatchy
and more....
November 22, 2024 marks the 30-year anniversary of the massive lawsuit Charles Nordby filed in the Sacramento courts. The largest of its kind in Sacramento, California and you never heard that news story either.
Case# CV544344 for "Fraud and Unjust Enrichment"
$588 million dollars.
Her crime machine was massive. More massive than P. Diddy, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby's machine combined. Then on February 25, 2022, the woman who was financing her own crimes machine's cover-up. died.
Now her machine will be exposed, and everyone who helped her.
They even fooled old man Tom Raley and his only known child Joyce Raley Teel. Tom Raley went to his grave not even knowing how he became one of America's richest men.
Joyce Teel went to her grave knowing all about the crime and never doing the right thing. She has seen His Justice.
They both went to their graves as perpetrators of this massive crime. When they died, they went to hell. If any of these people could come back from the grave, they would plead with everyone involved in these crimes to do the right thing. So far no one has.
They too committed fraud against Charles Nordby to ensure their wealthiest client, Raley's and Joyce Raley Teel never had to face
him in a courtroom.
Remember, Charles Nordby never lost a case in court in 50 years.
They knew he wouldn't lose this one either.
They violated the "Rule of Law" in their very first action after Nordby filed his massive and unprecedented $588 million lawsuit against Raley's, Jim and Joyce Raley Teel and Chuck Collings.
Their very first action constituted an act of fraud,
"Fraud Vitiates Everything"
The law firm of Downey, Brand, Seymour & Rohwer, the largest law firm in Northern California, realized that they had bungled their client's suit. Technically, Charles Nordby won.
But they were never going to allow a 70 year old man to beat them at their own game. So they had to cheat the system.
Downey, Brand, Seymour & Rohwer had to corrupt the entire court system so that they could say that they won and lie to their angry billionaire client, Joyce Raley Teel, that she had won her case, and that Charles Nordby got his day in court.
It's All Over!
We documented every fraudulent move this law firm and its corrupt attorneys made in this case.
It has taken us 30 years, but we will now begin to display their corruption and how they defrauded not only Charles Nordby, but the judge Joe Gray, the Sacramento courts and everybody they needed to maintain their facade of their professionalism.
We are going to legally and systematically expose them.
We are going to make an example of this corrupt law firm.
November 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the massive lawsuit Charles Nordby filed in the Sacramento Courts.
For 30 years the DBSR law firm has been taunted and tormented by their own corruption and crimes that they committed in this case.
Because they are part of the bigger crime to protect the Raley Teel family, they too have been shielded from public exposure to their own nefarious actions that have earned them a starring role in what is now called
Sacramento's Biggest Crime
The family of Charles Nordby want to thank DBSR for providing all the evidence needed to not only include them in the Raley's crime,
but publicly humiliate them
for the great injustice they poured out on our father,
Charles Nordby
Now we will pour out pure justice on them.
This is like Hollywood and everyone knowing about Harvey Weinsteins crimes and sexual attacks and nobody doing anything about it.
This is like P. Diddy and the music industry knowing about his crimes and his "freak offs" and nobody doing anything about it.
This is like Jeffrey Epstein in the money industry and many people knew and were involved in his sexual crimes and no one did anything about it.
This is like the elected and appointed politicians of Sacramento knowing about the crimes against Charles Nordby,
knowing the "Crime Family" that committed the crimes,
knowing the Law Firm that also committed crimes,
knowing that the Honorable Judge Gray was not so honorable,
knowing that the Sacramento Courts were corrupted against justice,
Knowing that no one was going to say anything, because if anyone says anything everyone is indicted in this Collusion of these crimes.
How in the world could the crime of Raley's be bigger than all of those?
It wasn't the crime of fraud that escalated it to its biggest crime status.
It was the cover up of their crime that made it so big. They went to great lengths and used every possible person of influence to help them cover up the initial crime and then all of the crimes that were committed in the cover up.
The news media loved the Golden State Killer, Unabomber, .....crimes. But when it came to the biggest crime in Sacramento's history, they had to hush it. Raley's became the largest advertiser in Northern California, and all the news outlets feared losing Raley's advertising budget which was massive when their crime became the biggest crime in Sacramento.
When you read the names involved in this crime, you will then realize why the news media, the law enforcement, the political power players, the religious community, the Sacramento Courts and many agencies had to "stand down" when it came to matters involving this crime.
No person or agency had it in their powers to even come against the "Machine" of Raley's and Jim and Joyce Raley Teel and the Teel crime family. They were worth billions of dollars created by the fraud against Charles Nordby. But the two things they didn't have, one, more money than God, and two, the truth!
For over 33 years they have suppressed this crime from the public, the courts and anyone and everyone that could have investigated it. With their money they were able to hush their crime and live the life of wealthy criminals. Everyone in the Teel family have been living off the crime. Perhaps the entire Teel crime family motto is "Who says that crime doesn't pay?"
This became what is known as a "conspiracy of silence". Definition: Usually secret or unstated agreement to remain silent among those who know something whose disclosure might be damaging, harmful, or against their own best interest or that of their associates.
All Charles Nordby wanted was to be recognized for what he had done to create Sacramento's Greatest Success story.
Would that have been too much to ask? Little did he know that his success would go on to become Sacramento's biggest crime.
The news media was used to make sure that Jim and Joyce Raley Teel didn't see justice for their crime. Since nobody but the criminals knew who Charles Nordby was and what he did, it was easy for the news media and everyone to just call Charles Nordby's accusations just a "Conspiracy Theory" or even an "Extortion Attempt".
But in all reality, the news media of Sacramento, colluded with all the players in the crime to make sure Charles Nordby never got HIS JUSTICE as well.
Had one news source broke the story on this crime, it would have changed everything. But since all the news sources in the Sacramento area were dipping into the deep pockets of Raley's Supermarkets and the billionaire owner Joyce Raley Teel, it just was not a good idea to print the truth and bite the hand that fed it.
We all have heard the commonly used motto "Raley's, a Family Store" Perhaps a better term would be
"Raley's, a Crime Family Store".
To this very day, 33 years after the Teel crime family was made aware of what they did, they still act like nothing is going on. But in all reality their world is crumbling and their silence in their crime is torturing them.
The children and grandchildren of Jim and Joyce Raley Teel have had to acknowledge the fact that the Charles Nordby story is true, and the Raley's crime against him is true as well.
The Biggest Crime in Sacramento.
In the case of fraud, whenever a person discovers that they were defrauded, they are entitled by law to everything that was gained by the those committing the fraud.
What does that mean in this Raley's fraud case? It means Charles Nordby gets everything! When he came into Sacramento in 1973, he has stated that Raley's was worth less than one dollar. Now they were worth over $2 billion dollars. Can you imagine the shock on the faces of the criminals Jim and Joyce Raley Teel.
Now you will know why they had to go to great lengths to make sure that Charles Nordby never got his day in court or was able to prevail in HIS JUSTICE!.
But God was taking notice on all the players involved in this crime. Gods justice is prevailing in the crimes against Charles Nordby. The criminals are dying one at a time and they are experiencing their eternal justice.
Gods wheels of justice do grind slowly, but they grind incredibly fine. This Sacramento success story of Charles Nordby has been in the making for 50 years. That same success created Sacramento's BIGGEST CRIME EVER!
The goal of the family of Charles Nordby is to completely expose and dismantle the corrupt house of cards of Sacramento's Largest Law firm, Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer.
You know what they say, if the crime doesn't get you, the cover up will. This crime and the documentary about it will put Sacramento back on the maps. Not for just being the Capital of California but rather the capital of corruption with this massive crime, far reaching collusion and its expansive cover up.
This will go down in history as not only one of the greatest success stories of all time, but also one of the greatest acts of fraud as well.
Copyright © 2024 The Crime Story of Sacramento - All Rights Reserved.
HIS JUSTICE Documentary Production By Faith
Contact her at info@hisjustice.com
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